fynn.heitzer@gmail.com . +41 79 193 19 37
21 - today
BA Visual Communication, ZHdK, Zurich
20 - 21
Propädeutikum, ZHdK, Zurich
15 - 20
Atelierschule Zurich, Matura main focus Visual Design
22 10 - 02 11 18
Internship Cuisine sans frontierès - Kitchen-Battle, Photography
16 07 - 22 07 16
Summer Workshop ZHdK Junior Design, A book full of sketches
12 10 - 30 10 15
Thomas Blumer, Sculpture Studio Zurich
Food Zurich, Design Cookbook and Photography
Bruno Muff, Illustration, Lucerne
13 07 - 17 07 15
Summer Workshop ZHdK, Junior Design, 3D Printer - Battle of the Robots
27 10 - 31 10 14
Internship, Silvio Waser, Buffet für Gestaltung, buffet.nu, Zurich
14 07 - 18 07 14
Summer Workshop ZHdK, Junior Design, Game Design - May the games begin
07 04 - 11 04 14
Internship, Thileeban Thanapalan, filmerei.ch, Zurich
15 07 - 19 07 13
Summer Workshop ZHdK, Junior Design, 1001 Picture, Stories with Stop-Motio n